finally I've started to realise that i'm not in Tanzania and that's why it looks so different. I think that's a good thing, knowing where you are I mean. yeeepp.
I think I might like it here, but i'm not sure. at least I know that the hostel is really nice, that's something! it has christmasdecorations and a TV that doesn't make weird noises and a big, spacy kitchen. love it! and the weirdest thing is that I - the swede - am actually the one with the least bad english. haha. and then I wrote that sentence.. no, but it's a bit ironic cus for the last three months most of the people I lived with either came from the UK, the US or Australia. and I was the one with the worst English. but here, wow, it's almost like they don't want to speak English at all and rather just sit quite or talk to their native-speaking friends. no, i'm not bitter! anywaysss,
today my plan was to go to an African craft market. did I? nooo. or maybe I did, but there sure weren't any African crafts-thingies there. but I bought myself a toothbrush and toothpaste, cus somehow I forgot to pack those things along with my towel. haha. I don't know how I could forget my towel. stuuuupid! now I have to use my tiny little facial towel. but that's fine, i'm not a very difficult person. oh, and then I ended up at Woolworths. hmm. buying leggings and earrings. why? I don't know. well, I actually needed the leggings. but earrings? oh gosh, now i'm just babbling away..
I can tell that it's been a while since I walked longer distances on asphalted roads and up and down hills, cus OUCH! my calves and but hurt. I know that you wanna know about these things so bad, hahah. speaking of irrelevant things, yesterday this old man that's staying at the hostel fell asleep in front of his computer and started snoring loud. very loud. and his head was just hanging from his body. and apparently he does it all the time. and for some reason I thought that that was hilarious yesterday. WOW. what's wrong with me? that's not even a little bit funny. I think I need to hang out with someone, like right now. good thing i'm doing a tour of Soweto + visiting the apartheidmuseum tomorrow, maybe the guide and I will become besties. haha. i'm pathetic! buuuuut, i'm actually really excited!! i'll let u know how it was. yeaah. that's it for now.
take care!
SA, african crafts market, bad english, johannesburg, people not speaking english, sore but, south africa, woolworths johannesburg,


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