tjo! det var längesen och sånt. jag är hemma nu. saknar afrika som satan men det var ändå lite skönt att komma hem och fira jul med mina nära och kära, som man så fint säger. jag har fortfarande inte vant mig tillbaka (kan man säga så?) till de jäkla å'na, ä'na och ö'na på datorn. så mina fingrar ser ut som de har beslutsångest när de skriver på tangentbordet. är lid besviken på mig själv att jag inte fick till bloggningen när jag var borta. jaja, men nu har jag iallafall en himla massa att skriva om, och det kan ju vara bra eller inte bra - det beror ju hur man ser på det. fast jag tänkte inte göra det idag. nej, så länge får ni bara en liten preview i bildform. 
yeeeey, I'm back to blogging! (and back home again, not that big of a yeeeey - no, being home is more like a yeey with only two e's). no, seriously it's good to be back home, celebrating christmas with my loved ones and all of that. it was a crowded home, 18 peeps big and I loved it. it fitted right in with my hostelexperiences, hah. but I miss Africa like crazy, I really do. and I wish I'd have blogged when I was there cus now I have a lot of catching up to do. and I'm gonna start with some pictures. yeeeey!
errat care centre. the school I worked at for almost three months. 90 kids from 3-9 years old, divided into two classes. playing/fighting/getting in line to wait for yummy porridge (well, actually it's not that yummy. maybe if you're into burned doughy food as the two teachers are teaching at the same time as they cook, but otherwise I wouldn't recommend it...)
again waiting and fighting to get there first.
this is the kids' playground. oh, you can't see it? that's because it's not there. but the kids play and have fun anyway, running around like crazy and hey, the view is nice..
one of my first days at the school and the last day for the previous volunteer. blowing soapbubbles as a
goodbye-gift. the kids loved it and was jumping around trying to catch them during the whole break.
I love these crazy, funny, smiling kids. they learned me a lot. oh, what a cliché - you might say. but it's true, they really did. imagine how hard it was leaving. even seeing these pictures is hard and makes me miss them even more. but at least I know I'll see them soon again. 
Janet, one of the oldest kids in school and still she's in baby class. she was so fascinated by my skin and the fact that I'm black and white at the same time, whaaat?! (birthmarks on white skin, that is)
yeah, I miss Africa. too much.
african crafts market, afrika, erratcarecentre, gröt, porridge, school, tanzania, volontärarbeta, volunteer,


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