SOOO, guess what! I'm back in Africa. Yeey! Arrived a week ago at Lusaka International Airport in Zambia . It was a long 32 hours trip. Mostly because 32 hours is a long time (really?), but these 32 hours got even longer thanks to the constant feeling of hunger, the lack of sleep, the eight hours stop-over in Addis Ababa, Ethiopa, the delay and the chaos I was surrounded by since I left Copenhagen. What? I'm not complaining. When I finally arrived Lusaka Airport I was exhausted, but once I walked out of that airport I felt my energy returning again. I got picked up by a close friend of mine, Bwire, and in the car that was to take me to my contemporary home I was too excited to talk. I just stared out the window trying to save the first pictures of Zambia in my head. The scenery is beautiful here. So green. It kinda reminds me of Sweden in the summer. When we got into the city and the scenery was replaced by buildings, people, dust and crazy traffic. I'm staying at Bwire's place in central Lusaka. It's a small very typical Zambian house and well, let's just say that I'm becoming a pro at bucket-showering, haha. Man, I'm glad the weather is hot here otherwise I would be freezing after those showers. The spiders here are huge and way too many for it to be fun. I'll write more another day. Right now a lot of things are going on. About to go visit a crocodile farm. Yepp. Anyways, I'm fine and everything. Puss! xxx
africa, bucketshower, lusaka, zambia,

2 kommentarer


05 Mar 2014 10:34

Sounds so good Sofie :) hope your traveling will continue well :) kramar från din Bettsy

Svar: iiih! sa sot du ar! pusss
Sofie Andersson


06 Mar 2014 10:58

nice to hear yuor okej Sofie. Beware of the crocodils. Daddy

Svar: :) jag lever! haha. kraaaam
Sofie Andersson


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